Hai readers,
this is a brief note on certain notions regarding teaching profession. Read and
comment on them.
as a Profession
Teaching is not a job, but a profession. A
profession always needs completion of a professional education and
training. Teachers all over the world
enter this profession after the completion of a professional education.
India, teaching is something more than a profession. It is considered a sacred
work. They are called preceptors or Gurus.
Teaching is the
specialized application of knowledge, skills and attributes designed to provide
unique service to meet the educational needs of the individual and of society.
The choice of learning activities whereby the goals of education are realized
in the school is the responsibility
of the teaching profession.
Profession is derived from
the word “profiteor” meaning to profess or to recognize or to own up or to
agree or knowledge. The implication here is that a professional is a person who
possesses knowledge of something and has a commitment to a particular set of
values both of which are generally well accepted characteristics of professions. Teachers are
professionals with knowledge and commitment. They possess a particular set of
values and qualities.
In its broadest sense, teaching is a process
that facilitates learning. Teaching is the specialized application of
knowledge, skills and attributes designed to provide unique service to meet the
educational needs of the individual and of society. The choice of learning
activities whereby the goals of education are realized in the school is the
responsibility of the teaching profession.
In addition to providing students with
learning opportunities to meet curriculum outcomes, teaching emphasizes the
development of values and guides students in their social relationships.
Teachers employ practices that develop positive self-concept in students.
Although the work of teachers typically takes place in a classroom setting, the
direct interaction between teacher and student is the single most important
element in teaching. By going on through the duties and responsibilities of a
teacher, we can significantly acknowledge that teaching is a profession.
as a Mentor
The word mentoring represents
close relationship. A mentor is an angel guardian and teacher. The notion of
mentoring is very ancient. The original Mentor was described by Homer as the ‘wise
and trusted counselor’ whom Odysseus left in charge of his household during his
In modern times, the concept of
mentoring has found application in almost every forum of learning. In
academics, mentor is often used synonymously with faculty adviser.
A fundamental difference between mentoring and advising is more than advising; mentoring is a personal, as well as,
professional relationship.
A mentoring relationship develops over an
extended period, during which a student's needs and the nature of the
relationship tend to change. A mentor will try to be aware of these changes and
vary the degree and type of attention, help, advice, information, and
encouragement that he or she provides.
In the broad sense, a mentor is
someone who takes a special interest in helping another person develops into a
successful professional. If a teacher is
the mentor he or she is to take responsibly and interest to develop student a
successful personality.
The mentor teacher must possess
certain qualities or skills. Other than the skills of a teacher, a mentor
should possess the skills those given below:
Careful listening.
A good mentor is a good listener. Hear exactly what the student is trying to
tell you-without first interpreting or judging. Pay attention to the stdent and
undertones of the student's words, including tone, attitude, and body language.
When you think you have understood a point, it might be helpful to repeat it to
the student and ask whether you have understood correctly. Through careful listening,
you convey your empathy for the student and your understanding of a student's
challenges. When a student feels this empathy, the way is open for clear
communication and more-effective mentoring.
magic of listening allows mentors and mentees to get to know each other and
informs the mentor on how they can be of assistance.
Keeping in touch:
Keep regular contact-daily, if possible-to keep all your students on the ‘visinity’
to anticipate problems before they become serious. Don't assume that the only
students who need help are those who ask for it. Even a student who is doing
well could need an occasional, serious conversation. One way to increase your
awareness of important student issues and develop rapport is to work with
student organizations and initiatives. This will also increase your
accessibility to students.
Respect: First
and foremost, there must be respect between the mentor and the mentee. But
respect doesn't form overnight—it takes time. A teacher must respect the
student. A mentor teacher must respect more.
Challenging and attending:
Mentors must push their thinking and help to students in all the ways.
Collaboration, cooperation and cohesiveness: A monitor must have these skills
and qualities. This critical step benefits everyone
within the support system. These qualities are helpful to refine individuality.
They are also mutually beneficial for teachers to work together because
everyone will walk away with new and improved strategies, lessons, and ideas.
Reinforcing and appreciating: Success comes in a variety of shapes and sizes. Mentor must
identify and appreciate the students at all the walks of his or her life. Happiness
of the students must be the aim of a mentor.
Honesty is the foundation of any relationship. Tell the truth to others in a
genuine way. Mentor has the opportunity to coach students through changes that
will positively impact them. Help them learn the do’s and don'ts of many things
like school politics, communication, and the many other little things.
Sympathy and Empathy: Mentor must be able
to render these skills.
Ethics of Teacher
Professional ethics
is an associated factor of any profession. Teachers too have the professional
ethics. Normally national ethics committees of the state are determining the
professional ethics of teachers.
Following are certain professional ethics applicable to
teachers all over the world. We can derive certain deviated professional ethics
applicable to different countries.
The professional teacher deals
considerately and justly with each student, and seeks to resolve problems,
including discipline, according to law and school policy.
The professional teacher does not
intentionally expose the student to mocking.
As per the professional ethics, the
teacher does not reveal confidential information concerning students, unless
required by law.
Constructive effort to protect the
student from conditions detrimental to learning, health, or safety.
Present facts without distortion,
bias, or personal prejudice.
Apply, accept, or assign a position
or a responsibility on the basis of professional qualifications, and adheres to
the terms of a contract or appointment.
Maintain sound mental health,
physical stamina, and social prudence necessary to perform the duties of any
professional assignment.
Continue with professional growth. A
good teacher is a good learner. So teacher should learn and should try to grow
with qualities.
Do not intentionally misrepresent
official policies of the school or educational organizations, and clearly
distinguishes those views from his or her own personal opinions.
Honestly accounts for all funds
committed to his or her charge.
Do not willfully make false
statements about a colleague or the school system.
Do not interfere with a colleague's
freedom of choice, and works to eliminate coercion that forces educators to
support actions and ideologies that violate individual professional integrity.
Take efforts to communicate to
parents all information that should be revealed in the interest of the student.
Understand and respect the values
and traditions of the diverse cultures represented in the community and in his
or her classroom.
Manifest a positive and active role
in school/community relations.
Qualities of a Teacher (Social Science Teacher)
A teacher must have all the
qualities of a good human being. As teacher he or she must have some deviated
qualities too. They are:
Integrity: a teacher must be a
person with integrity. Indian values and ethical choices must be followed by a
Readiness to work
Patience and other values
A good citizen
Sympathetic, empathetic and with all
sort of such values.
Ideal character
Interpreter of experiences
Try to be role model
A teacher must have some
professional qualities too:
Good communicator
A good learner
Up to date
Technological fitness
Psychological fitness
Philosophical fitness
Sociological cultural fitness
Time sense and space sense
Map reading skills
Improving Professionalism
improve the professionalism a teacher must be dedicated for the profession. He must be up to date.
A teacher can improve his professionalism by
continuing as a good learner
Participation in seminars,
workshops, and such other educational programmes are essential
Participate in in-service programmes
organized by different agencies
Maintain close relation with
agencies of education like peer groups, collogues, family, schools and etc
Maintain active relation and participation
in cluster groups
Be active in research
Maintain academic innovations
Maintain pedagogic innovations
Active and effective relationship
with students, colleagues and others
Be a good reader of news papers,
magazines, periodical and etc
Identify and make use all the
available resources
Accountability of Teachers
Accountability is an ethical concept. Accountability concerns
with proper behavior and responsibilities of individuals and their actions
towards other people and agencies.
The term accountability of a teacher is often used
synonymously with the concepts of transparency, liability, answerability and
other ideas associated with the expectations that others have on a teacher. Accountability
is the answerability on one’s own actions towards others.
Bovens’ definition
Bovens’ (2005) defined accountability as: “A social relation
in which a teacher feels an obligation (responsibility) to explain and to justify
his or her conduct to some significant others”. The others include collogues,
parents, policy makers, administers, other teachers, and above all students.
That simply defined relationship contains a number of elements
involved in a process of the account giving. It includes an individual or organisation
that needs to render an account to its stakeholders being responsible for its conduct.
Methods for ensuring accountability
Greater transparency on actions
ensures higher standards of accountability.
Trustworthy performances improve accountability
Understanding of duties and responsibilities
will ensure accountability of a teacher.
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Thanks for lot of knowledge
Excellent notes sir... The language used is very simple, descriptive and easily understandable.
Nice post. I was checking constantly this blog and I am impressed.
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