
Saturday, April 10, 2010

education in Indian society- note for BEd students of kerala




*A life long process
*A psychological process
*A sociological process
*A bipolar process
*A tripolar process
*A multipolar process
*A dynamic process
*both an art and science


A.Etymological or lexical meaning.

->educare¬->to lead out
->educo->to lead out,go forward
->educare->to take care of ,to bring up,to bring forth,to nourish
->educatom->to teach,to train
->vidyarthi->one who seeks knowledge

->siksha->to teach and learn
->teaching,instruction and perception

B.Narrow meaning.

->for 3 Rs.(reading,writing and arithmetic)
->to get degree or certificate
->comprises school,teachers,curriculam,methods etc...
->formal programme
->intentional not incidental
->synonymous with instruction
->teaching of ready-made material

C.Wider meaning

->consists of all those experiences which affects the individual from birth till death.
->organizing and reorganising experiences
->interaction of individual with his environment
->process of growth and development
->from womb to grave
->individual adopts himself with environment and adopts environment to his needs.

D.Analytical meaning

->not limited to knowledge imparted in schools
->development of child's innate power
->a dynamic process
->a bipolar,tripolar,multipolar process
->all round development
->develops the child and the society


"Education is the development of all the capacities in the individual which will
enable him to control his environment and fulfill his responsibilities"-----JOHN DEWAY

"By education i mean an all round drawing out of the best in the child and man-
body,mind and spirit"----GANDHIJI

"Education is the manifestation of perfection already existing in man"---SWAMI VIVEKANANDA


1.knowledge aim

->knowledge for the sake of knowledge
->save an individual himself from error
->lead to discover the truth
->for intellectual development
->for moral development
->for spiritual development
->for good character
->social efficiency

2.cultural aim

->to culturise an individual
->culture is passed from generation to generation through education
->passive part of culture is actively interpreted by education
->to inculcate noble ideas,attitudes and patterns of behaviour
->educated person is cultured person
->he has broad human interests,high attitude on human rights,social sensitiveness,
high morality and personal efficiency
->the curriculam,teacher and the methods of education - preserve,transmit
and transform culture

3.character development aim

->to develop morality in an individual
->to raise man from brutal nature to human nature
->to cultivate the strength and purity of character
->character is the inner stability and strength
->to inculcate love,sympathy,co-operation,sacrifice and social service
->to develop noble thoughts.

4.vocational aim

->for self preservation
->to earn a living for bread and butter
->for economic independence
->for industrial advancement
->"a kind of insurance against unemployment"
->gives social status and social prestige
->meets the physical needs

5.harmonious development aim

->to strive for perfection of man's competencies in their completeness
->to make an individual a socialy acceptable person
->better social adjustment provides better socialisation
->to develop,organise,train and express man's powers
->to develop the ability for adjustment

6.citizenship aim

->to cultivate civic competence
->create national point of view in thinking
->make more responsible citizen
->to make aware of political and social processes
->to make the spirit of national service
->to cultivate cultural refinements of citizenship
->to make an individual more dynamic
->to make highly resourceful
->make more enterprizing

7. complete living aim

->formulated by HERBERT SPENCER
->for self preservation
->for securing vocation
->to become a worthy member of the home
->to contribute one's best to the society
->to utilise the leisure time profitabily
->to promote the physical and mental welfare
->to promote the personality in all it's aspect
->prepares to face all the evantualities of future life

8.physical development aim

->a sound mind lives in sound body
->good health is needed for good mental strength,attention and interest.
->for the development of physique
->physicaly strong citizens makes their country strong
->to make the individual fit,active and joyful
->insists free physical drills,sports,outdoor activities.

9.adjustment aim

->to create the capacity to adjust one self to the ever-changing environment
->those who adjust will survive and develop
->maladjustment leads to dacay and disappear
->social adjustment is essential for social development
->adjustment should be physical,mental and social

10.leisure utilisation aim

->for emotional and artistic faculties of children
->individual will be saved from many wasteful and harmful activities
->leisure nourishes man's thought and pleasure
->should taught music and other fine arts
->to develop aesthetic sense
->helps to select recreation and develop habits

11.self expression aim

->suppression of instincts is harmful and leads to mental disorders
->free expression to the basic tendencies gives joy to the child
->each child is unique
->he needs freedom
->the basic instincts of child is inborn
->free and natural development is essential

12.self-realisation aim

->to realise child's own ability
->to understand nature,humanbeing,god and their inter-relationship
->gives peace,happiness and bliss to the individual
->to purify,mould and sublimate the basic insincts
->to treat society as a means of self realisation
->to elevate the individual and the society to a higher level of glory
->for the formation of strong moral character.

13.spiritual development aim

->to realise true self of an individual
->to cultivate honesty,love,sympathy,empathy,peace,nonviolence etc....
->to realise the unique identity between individual soul and spirituality.

14.intellect and emotional development aim

->for the development of peace
->for national integration
->for the control and sublimation of basic instincts
->to improve emotionel unity
->for international understanding
->for the progressive contributions towards world humanity

15.individual aim

->for individual exellence of the learner
->"the progress of mankind is due to great individuals"
->for full and unimpeded development of all the innate abilities of the individual aim

->to make each individual socially efficient
->education should be a process of socialisation
->makes pupils to live successfully in society
->society is the book which pupils should study in schools
->school is a cross section of the society
->to participate actively in the school life
->a socially efficient individual will be a good citizen and has intelligence to
understand and appreciate the world
->he will dedicate himself to the ideals of his society.

->development of natural abilities
->character building
->development of personality
->preparation for adult life
->control and sublimation of basic instincts
->development of sense of community involvement
->creation of the sense of citizenship
->protection and increase of cultute and civilisation
->encouragement to social welfare
->national development
->proper use of leisure time
->increasing consciousness of other culture
->improving emotional unity
->developing international understanding
->giving awareness on humanity
->make awareness on exploitations
->ensure individual freedom
->develop the concept of 'live and let live'
->develop freedom
->cultivation of values
->development of peace
->development of national integration
->make a child free from ignorance,superstitions,poverty,disease,insecurity,
unemployment,prejudices and discrimination
->adaptation to environment
->modification of environment.


A.Formal education

->it is a planned activity
->it is purposive
->it is organised and systamatic
->has predetermined and definite aim
->starts and ends at a particular stage
->imparted through formal lessons
->definite time
->definite syllabus
->the taught is aware of the process
->puts some mental strain on teacher and taught
->organised by some agency
->examination oriented system
->individual is loaded or stuffed with knowledge by the teacher
->it is rigid
->formalities to be followed in the age of admission,curriculum,syllabus,textbook,
timetable,methods of teaching,qualification of teachers,inspection,
supervision,examination etc........
->certificates,degrees or diplomas are awarded
->prevalent in schools,colleges and universities
->hierarchically structured
->chronologically graded
->legally institutionalised
->it is conceived in terms of traditional system
->planned for the modification of behaviour with a particular end in view
->regular and continuous programme.

B.Informal education

->received in an indirect manner
->all life experiences provides learning
->it is accidental
->'life is education and education is life'
->process from womb to tomb
->gets information from agencies like family,school,peer group,community
and friends
->experiences from the interactions with environment
->it is continuous and life long.
->it is unplanned
->it is non purposive
->un organised and un systamatic process
->no pre determined and definite aim
->no formal lessons
->no definite syllabus and period
->the taught is not aware of the process
->no mental strain as in formal education
->learns all time,from every event and from every experiences
->it is incidental process
->it has no anticipated goal and formal planning
->experiences are unstructured and indefinite
->environment has more effect upon the educant
->behavioural modification is spontaneous,without any conscious effort for it.

C.Non-formal education

->new concept after the report-'learning to be'
->it is formal as well as informal
->it is highly flexible and lenient
->it is carried on outside the established formal system
->it is relevent to the needs,requirements abilities and capacities of the individual
->not so rigid as formal education
->it is ment for the school drop-outs,the employed or working persons,those
living far away from the educational institutions,house wives,retird persons
and manyother looking for information,knowledge and training
->it is open ended
->it has flexible points of entry and exit.
->it has flexible curriculam
->it is a process of sharing and exploring together with full learner participation
->meeting the individuals felt needs
->it is self motivated
->it is participatory
->may or maynot insist examination and certification.
->continuing education centres
->distance education
->correspondence courses
->open university, etc....


A.Philosophical factors

->why should a child be educated?
->for what to be educated?
->how to be educated?
->by whom to be educated?
=>the aim of education
=>text book
=>methods of teaching
=>teacher-pupil relation
=>aim of education is related to aim of life
->a totalitarian state will educate it's citizens for common good rather than for
individual good
->in democratic countries aim will be to make good citizens according to
democratic philosophy of life
=>the curriculum is constructed with the objectives of education
->objectives of education is guided by the aim of life
->aim of life has a heavy bearing of philosophy
=>the content and mode of presentation of the textbook is determined by
the values of life fixed by philosophy
=>in a totalitarian country the method of teaching will be teacher centered
->in a democratic setup it will be pupil centered
=>discipline of the educational institutions will reflect the philosophy of that age
=>a teacher who is well aware of the philosophy of life and it's impact on
education will succeed in his job.

B.Socio-cultural factors

->the culture of the society determines the pattern of education
->a society of spititual pattern of culture promotes the attainment of moral
and eternal values of life through education
->a society of meterialistic pattern emphasises the attainment of meterial values
->influences aim of education,curriculam,methods of teaching,discipline and textbook
->preservation,transmission and transaction of culture is the function of education
->acculturation and enculturation is effectively possible by education
->education and culture contribute to each other
->components of culture are the cells of education
->"culture is the lifeblood of the body of education"

C.Economic factors

->highly effecting factor
->a poor country can never introduce a highly expensive technological
device in the classroom
->education facilitates economic progress of the state
->economic condition of the state facilitates educational development
->educational achievement of an individual is limited by the financial
background of the family
->the quality of education is decided by the economic development of the society
->a poor country can not provide costly educational facilities to all it's citizens
->the' free education','common education','social justice','education for all'
and 'equality in educational opportunities' can be achieved with
economic efficiency only
->expenditure on education is an investment by the state
->industrial growth,agricultural growth etc.. help economic growth and
they influence educatioanal development
->the education needed by industrialised and agrarian communities will be different
->modern industry is highly technical and science based
->economic status influences the curriculum,method and also the infrastructures.

D.Political factors

->the political administration controls all educational affairs of the state.
=>a totalitarian state will mould the mind of children to an uncritical
acceptance of the will of the state
->education will be directed to secure mechanical discipline,
duty and unquestioned obedience.
->no academic freedom even in higher education
->no participation of local community in the education of their children
=>in communism education will be a national concern
->individual will have less freedom in the selection of courses
->academic freedom will be tolerated only with in the limits of communist doctrines
=>in democratic setup the society has major role in providing educational facilities
->education is considered as' the birthright of all' in democracy
->society has the responsibility to provide education according to
individual tastes,abilities and aptitudes
->universal education is a necessity in a democratic society
->education aims at improving vocational and practical efficiency
->inculcate respect for the national flag and national anthem
->exeptional children are given special instruction
->ample opportunities for phisical strength and mental discipline.

E.Historical factor

->education has developed along with human civilization
->education has a long past,a functioning present and a never ending future
->historical factors conect past with present to get energy for effective
functioning of education
->historical factors give a universal outlook to education
->indian education system is based on the british period education of
->the vedic,budhist,jainist and islamic education have influence in
present system of education.



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