
Monday, June 14, 2021

Constructivism and Critical Pedagogy in Teaching


Constructivism and Critical Pedagogy


Constructivism: Definition and Features

Constructivism is comparatively a new approach in teaching. It is the advanced method after behaviourist approach. There are two major approaches in constructivism; cognitive constructivism and social constructivism. Jean Piaget, Vygotsky, Jerom S Bruner, Noam Chomsky are the major propagators of constructivism. In India, Jithu Krishnamoorthy is being considered a practitioner of this approach. Out of them Piaget and Bruner belong to cognitive constructivism and others are of social constructivism,

Constructivism is a philosophy of learning developed on the principles that,

·       learning is reflecting on personal experiences

·       learner constructs own understanding of the world where learner live in

·       learner has the capacity to construct knowledge from the social context

·       Learning is the process of adjusting mental reproductions to accommodate new experiences

Constructivism has different facets like philosophical, pedagogical, technological, psychological and the like. In teaching, Constructivism is the theory that says learners construct knowledge rather than just passively take in information.” Constructivism explains that knowledge is not something to be poured in but to be constructed. 

What is the learning procedure according to constructivism? We can understand it from the following procedures;  

·       All learners continuously experience the world

·       The learners always reflect upon those experiences

·       Based on their own reflections, the learners incorporate new information into their pre-existing knowledge. This is the process of knowledge construction

·       This new knowledge associate with the existing knowledge

·       Constructivist learning environments emphasize knowledge construction instead of knowledge reproduction 

According to constructivism, learning is an active process to be carried out by the learner. A teacher need not be ‘lecture’ the content. Teacher is a facilitator or stage setter in constructivism. Learner will engage in the leaning process as per her/his capacity.

There are some key elements in constructivist approach of teaching. They are;

·       Knowledge is to be constructed and not to be poured in.

·       People learn to learn, as they learn. Acquiring knowledge means learning to learn.

·       Learning is an active process. Learners are not passive listeners in classrooms.

·       Learning is a social activity.

·       Learning is contextual. Teachers has to set suitable contexts for effective learning

·       Knowledge acquisition depends up on personal cognitive capacities

·       Learning exists in the mind and reflects through cognitive and social actions

·       Motivation is a key to learning. Readiness to learn is a necessity

Characteristic features of Constructivism

There are many specific elements and principles of constructivism that form its features. Let’s discuss them. (

  • Knowledge is to be constructed. Knowledge is built upon another knowledge that the learners already possess. A learner takes pieces of information and put them together in his own unique way. His way of building something will be different from another one’s method. The student’s previous knowledge, experiences, beliefs, and insights are important factors in learning.
  • Learners are not passive listeners. In constructivist method, learners are learning to learn, as they learn. Learning involves constructing meaning and systems of meaning. For example, if a learner learns the chronological order of events in the Indian freedom movement, the learner learns years and events and along with that he also learns what is chronology and also what is significance of chronological order in studying a movement.
  • Learning is an active process. Learning involves sensory input to construct meaning. The learner needs to do something in order to learn, it’s not a passive activity. Learners need to engage in the world so they are actively involved in their own learning and development. Learner can’t just sit and expect to be told things and learn, you need to engage in discussions, reading, activities, etc. (
  • Learning is through social activities and it is contextual. Family, teachers, neighbours, peers, and acquaintances impact on learning. One will not effectively learn in isolation. Progressive education recognizes that social interaction is key to learning and they use conversation, interaction, and group applications to help students retain their knowledge. Though knowledge is personal, it has social applicability
  • Knowledge acquisition depends on personal uniqueness. Constructivism is based on learner’s own experiences and interactions. Each person will have their own prior knowledge and experiences to bring to the table. So, the way and things people learn and gain from education will all be very different. 
  • Learning exists in the mind. Hands-on experiences and physical actions are necessary for learning. Engaging the mind is key to successful learning. Mental experiences are needed for retaining knowledge.
  • Motivation is key to learning. Learning will not be effective if the learner is unmotivated. Without motivation, it’s difficult for learners to reach into their past experience and make connections for new learning.

Disadvantages of Constructivism

One of the major disadvantages of constructivism is that the learner may not become able to contextualize learning at all time.  Learner may fail to form abstractions and transfer knowledge and skills in new situations (Merrill, 1991) There is possibility for confusion and even frustration in learning tasks. Other disadvantages are that the knowledge that construct by learner may not be factual, teachers may not get opportunities to transact knowledge properly, learners are being deprived form the effective learning, learners do not always actively construct meaning and building an appropriate knowledge structure and possibility of dullness in learning process.


Constructivism is the presently practicing approach mostly in school level education. The approach made teaching learning tasks activity oriented. Though there have some demerits, the approach is acknowledged as effective by pedagogical experts. 




Critical Pedagogy

Critical pedagogy is a teaching approach. It is proposed by the famous educational philosopher Paulo Friere. Critical pedagogy is introduced for developing critical consciousness or critical awareness in the learner.  Critical consciousness is ability to critically perceive the causes of social, political and economic oppression and to take action against the oppressive elements of society.

          Critical pedagogy is defined as an education methodology that seeks to increase student awareness of the hidden curriculum’s inequalities and multiple form of oppression that exist in the society, and encourage them to take step towards creating a more democratic and equitable society. Friere explained this pedagogical approach in his book ‘pedagogy of the oppressed”

              The aim of Freir’s critical pedagogy is to restore to marginalized groups their stolen ‘voice’, to enable them recognize identify, and give their name the things in the world.

Characteristics of critical pedagogy

1.                   Critical pedagogy enables student to question and challenge domination, the beliefs and practices that dominate

2.                   Critical pedagogy is based on the presumption that all education is pedagogy

3.                   It provides the learner with tools to better themselves and define the world

4.                   Its approach is issue based or problem based

5.                   It provides the learner with the tools to analyse critically how and on whose benefit the knowledge is constructed

6.                   Critical pedagogy transforms the learner from objects to subjects

7.                   It aims to create a more egalitarian and just society

8.                   It transforms the learner from the role of passive listener to active participants

9.                   Critical pedagogy argues for an approach to education that is rooted in the experiences of marginalized peoples

10.                It is focused on dialogue instead of a one-way transmission of knowledge

11.                It envisages a transformed world, i.e., a more democratic, more just and more egalitarian world

12.                Critical pedagogy needs to create new forms of knowledge through its emphasis on breaking down disciplinary boundaries and creating new spaces where knowledge can be produced

Critical pedagogy is a teaching philosophy that asks teachers to encourage students to critique constructions of power and oppression. It is rooted in critical theory, which involves becoming aware of and questioning the societal conditions. In critical pedagogy, a teacher uses his or her own enlightenment to encourage students to question and challenge inequalities that exist in different facets of society where he lives.

Critical pedagogy primarily supports for thinking critically and challenging social structures. Critical pedagogy encourages students to challenge their own beliefs, break free of damaging social narratives, and think independently.

In critical pedagogy, assessment and evaluation will be with different strategies.   Assessments are not about finding the right answer, but are instead about critical thinking skills. Process oriented evaluation is suggested in critical pedagogy.  It is a cyclic process – teacher to learner – learner to learner- and learner to teacher. Learning is not a one-way process in critical pedagogy.

Concluding Thoughts

Implementing critical pedagogy has different ways in different subjects, and what techniques or strategies or tactics function for one class may not work for another. Often, this will involve finding common bonds between subjects as the critical approach is not confined to only one area of education and culture. Critical pedagogy is an effective tool in the hand of teacher to make his or her children active leaners in classrooms.


Friday, June 4, 2021

Content Analysis- Content analysis in teaching


Content Analysis

Meaning, Importance, Elements and Methods


Content analysis is a part of planning for teaching. Normally it is done by a teacher while prepare lesson plan or teaching manual. Content analysis is a procedure of data collection in research, but in teaching, it is a procedure of scrutinizing the teaching unit by a teacher. Content analysis is a process of breaking down the teaching content by a teacher for effective planning and transaction.

  Content analysis means the scrutinizing or examining the content by a teacher for effective teaching. The content may be a unit or subunit or a specific area. Teacher analyze the content to different particles with psychological and factual point of view. By content analysis a teacher can identify the significant areas, facts, concepts and other relevant particles of the content. It is a method for exploring and/or retrieving meaningful information from the teaching unit.

ഒരു ടീച്ചർ പഠിപ്പിക്കാനുള്ള പാഠഭാഗത്തെ വിശകലനം ചെയ്ത് അധ്യയനത്തെ സഹായിക്കും വിധം ക്രമീകരിക്കുന്നതാണ് കണ്ടന്റ് അനാലിസിസ്. പഠിപ്പിക്കേണ്ടുന്ന ടോപിക് (content) വിശകലനം ചെയ്യുമ്പോൾ അതിലെ പ്രധാന ആശയങ്ങൾ, വസ്തുതകൾ, സ്ഥല നാമങ്ങൾ, പേരുകൾ, വർഷങ്ങൾ, ബോധനത്തിനു വേണ്ടുന്ന പഠന സഹായികൾ തുടങ്ങിയവയെല്ലാം കണ്ടെത്തുന്ന പ്രക്രിയയാണ് ഇത്. 

Content analysis helps a teacher to identify

-          Major and minor concepts of the content

-          Major facts that are to be transacted from the content

-          Major years, places, names, terms and such relevant matters from the content

-          Suitable teaching – learning aids to support the teaching

-          Suitable teaching learning activities

-          Suitable teaching learning tasks

-          Suitable evaluation

 Teachers make use the process of content analysis to explore the purposes, messages, and effects of the teaching content. They can also make inferences about the organization of the learning content they analyze. Content analysis can also be used to quantify the occurrence of certain words, phrases, subjects or concepts in the teaching unit.

“Content analysis is an analysing process used to determine the presence of certain words, themes, or concepts and the like within with in the content to be taught (i.e. from the text book or syllabus). Using content analysis, teachers can quantify and analyse the presence, meanings and relationships of concepts, certain words, themes, or learning materials”

Content analysis is valuable in planning the teaching because it allows teachers to collect and examine the distinctions of the teaching content, student perceptions, and relevant trends. 

 Elements of Content Analysis

         The content analysis for teaching process has certain elements. The major elements that considered for performing content analysis are: words, characters, themes, factual explanations, concepts, items and teaching tasks. By content analysis, a teacher identifies all these elements from the content to teach.

Methods and Steps in Content Analysis

         Content analysis in teaching process is an analysing technique used to make reproduceable and valid inferences by interpreting and coding learning material.

The content analysis follows learner cantered method, teacher centred method and learning cantered method. A teacher may follow certain step in the process of content analysis. It is suggested five steps by certain experts. They are

1.     Step 1: Identify and collect details for the teaching unit

2.     Step 2: Determine specific categories of the content

3.     Step 3: Distinguish the specific features from the content

4.     Step 4: Ensure the relevance of the identified features

5.     Step 5: Make use  the coded features for planning the lesson

 Why Content Analysis?

Content analysis is making a teacher capable to transact the content effectively. The analysis process gives thorough knowledge. It infers all the relevant details of the topic to teach. By content analysis, a teacher can have proper knowledge on all the elements of the teaching unit. He or she can combine information on the facts, concepts, years, terms and so on of the content matter by analyzing it.  Content analysis is essential for effective planning and transaction of lessons.

Wednesday, June 2, 2021

Pedagogic Analysis: A brief note on pedagogic analysis


This is a brief note on Pedagogy and Pedagogic Analysis



Pedagogy is the science of teaching. It the scientific and artistic planning of instruction for a formal situation. Primarily, pedagogy explains effective teaching methods and strategies. Effective teachers may make use many teaching strategies (pedagogic approaches) in classroom because there is no single, universal approach. A method may not be suitable for all contents or all situations.

The word pedagogy is derived from two Greek word paidagogos or paidagogia, in which paida means 'child' and gogos means 'lead.' Paidagogos literally means 'to lead the child' or 'to guide the child'.

Pedagogical approaches

Pedagogical approaches are different based on its characters.

 Teacher-Centred Pedagogy:

Teacher designs the pedagogic transactions. Teacher is the hero in this approach. Teacher-centred pedagogy positions the teacher at the centre of the learning process. The methods may be lecture, rote memorization, and the like in this approach. This approach is often criticized, especially when students complete only lower-order tasks and are afraid of the teacher.

Learner-Centred Pedagogy:

It is giving importance to student cantered methods like constructivist, participatory, activity oriented and etc. learners are given active role in the learning process. The teacher facilitates this process, but also creates and structures the conditions for learning.

Learning-Centred Pedagogy:

“Learning-centred pedagogy” gives importance to the learners’ place, region, culture and local resources. It is the typical form of culturally relevant pedagogy.

Pedagogic Analysis

Pedagogic analysis means analysing the teaching content (the content to teach) with pedagogic vision. Pedagogic analysis is the selection of appropriate objectives and strategies in instructional situations to access the appropriate teaching to transact a content. It is the comprehensive vision of required tasks, strategies for realization of specific goals that facilitates effective teaching. It is also explained that Pedagogic Analysis is the logical and systematically carried out breaking up of the teaching content (content to teach) from the point of view of a pedagogue (teacher) for the purpose of effective transaction.

Pedagogical analysis is related to the methodology or process of instruction. It focuses on the teaching aspect instead of the effective learning. The word analysis stands for process of breaking or separating a thing into its smaller parts, elements or constituents.

“ഒരു ടീച്ചർ തനിക്കു പഠിപ്പിക്കാനുള്ള പാഠഭാഗത്തെ ബോധന രീതിക്കനുസൃതമായി വിശകലനം  ചെയ്യുന്നതിനെയാണ് pedagogic analysis എന്ന് വിളിക്കുന്നത്. പാഠഭാഗത്തിലെ പഠന ലക്ഷ്യങ്ങൾ, ബോധന രീതികൾ, ആവശ്യമായ പഠന സഹായികൾ, മൂല്യനിർണ്ണയ സമീപനങ്ങൾ, പഠിക്കേണ്ടുന്ന വസ്തുതകൾ, ആശയങ്ങൾ തുടർപഠന ഉപാധികൾ തുടങ്ങിയവയെല്ലാം കണ്ടുത്തുകയാണ് പെഡഗോഗിക് അനാലിസിസ് ചെയ്യുന്നതിന്റെ ഉദ്ദേശ്യം.”


Pedagogic analysis is essential because;

·       Pedagogic analysis gives exact perception on what to teach

·       Assures effective methods of teaching

·       Giving support for effective teaching

·       Assures learners participation in the teaching process

·       Assures effective evaluation and follow up

·       Assures psychological support to the teaching contexts

·       It is essential for effective teaching

·       It assures carrying out of smooth teaching

·        It assures better teaching and better learning outcomes


Pedagogic analysis is for effective teaching. Effective teaching includes:  

Appropriate selection of content to teach

Formation of instructional/educational objectives

Utilization of appropriate methods and strategies

Assuring of learning participation throughout the teaching process.

Utilization of appropriate learning materials/ aids

Utilization of appropriate evaluation technics

So pedagogic analysis assures all the essential components of effective teaching. That is the importance of pedagogic analysis


Stages and steps in pedagogic analysis

There are different interpretations on the steps in pedagogic analysis of a teaching content. The famous pedagogic steps by Herbert are known as Herbartian steps. These five steps include:

a.    Preparation

b.    Presentation

c.     Association

d.    Generalization

e.    Application

According to Herbart pedagogic analysis is the assumptions by a teacher with specific set of abilities with a deliberate end goal in mind.

Generally, stages in the pedagogic analysis includes devind the contents to different particles. They are;

1.     Content Analysis (analysis of the content to be taught)

2.     Instructional/curricular objective formulation

3.     Selection of teaching methods/strategies

4.     Selection of supports/teaching learning aids

5.     Selection of appropriate evaluation device

6.     Election of follow up for further learning

Pedagogic analysis needs the following steps

-       Selection of the content

-       Do content analysis (Find out concepts from the teaching contents,       Find the facts to teach from the content, Find important terms, years, names and so on

-       Elucidate suitable appropriate teaching learning aids

-       Elucidate suitable teaching methods and strategies

-       Elucidate suitable evaluation approaches

-       Prepare instructional objectives

-       Prepare learning out comes

-       Plan the teaching (lesson plan)

Pedagogic analysis is followed by the content analysis. Pedagogical analysis essential for effective teaching and it is the best psychological and pedagogical move by a teacher in the teaching process. 






Sankaranarayanan Paleeri

Ast. Professor
NSS Training College, Ottapalam, Kerala