Computer Aided Teaching
(CAT) approach is a need of the hour in teaching learning sector. Computer Aided
Teaching is:
an interactive strategy used in
organizing teaching materials in a computer environment
Presenting these materials to the
students in a user-friendly format
Promoting learning and detecting and
remedying misconceptions of the students with the help of computer.
Computer Aided Teaching usually includes
multimedia instructional formats, such as animation, video and simulation, and
virtual learning environment such as Web Course Tools (Web CT) or Blackboard
Learning System (BLS).
Computer Aided Teaching (CAT)
approach is highlighted in all current curriculum reforms around the world.
Indian classrooms are also zeroing in on this approach.
Computer Aided or assisted teaching
simply means that teacher make uses the computer and allied systems to take
classroom lessons. Teacher can use different soft wares for this purpose. Students
learning can be facilitated with the CAT
Presentation Softwares in Classrooms
There have many presentation soft wares. Most popular
among them is Power Point Presentation.
Linux Impress
Linux Impress, a part of the
Apache Open Office, developed by Sun Microsystems, is an open source
presentation program compatible similar to Microsoft PowerPoint. With this
versatile application we can create a series of ‘slides’ that can contain text,
images, audio, or even video. Open Office Impress shows can be presented
manually, by clicking on the space bar to progress to the next slide. One can
also create a stand-alone self -running ‘show’ with the application.
It can export presentations to Adobe Flash
(SWF) files allowing them to be played on any computer with the Flash player
installed. It also includes the ability to create PDF files. A presentation
consists of page(s) that can be seen on the computer screen as normal and with
the use of a projector, can be seen on the wall or on an external screen.
Normally, a laptop is used since it has good portability.
Impress is like a SLIDE SHOW. One
page after the other is projected. A page that is projected is called a SLIDE.
The following can be included in a Slide.
3-D graphics
Bullets and Numbered Lists
All the normal stuff that is in a word processor and in spreadsheets such as
bold, colours, text alignment, borders, drawing, templates,
PowerPoint was the first presentation software
designed for Macintosh and Windows. Power Point was originally designed for
the Apple Macintosh computer, developed by Dennis Austin and Robert
Gaskins in 1987.
Power Point is an effective
pedagogical tool in the classroom. It can be used in the classroom for initial
teaching, for student projects, for practice and drilling, for games, for
reviews, and for tests.
for teachers:
• Teachers
can use PowerPoint presentations to enhance the effectiveness of classroom
instruction in many ways and in every subject area.
• Teachers
can modify lessons and use them over and over again. Therefore, teachers save
time on handing out instructional material, writing on blackboard, repeated
speech and so on.
• PowerPoint
can enrich the information in a lesson, and make the presentation more
organized and flexible.
• Main
points can be emphasized by using graphics, animation and sound.
• PowerPoint
can be used for content review.
• Rather
than handing absentee students written notes of a lesson they missed, you can
replay your lesson or presentation using a slide show. Absent students receive
the same instruction as those who are present, so they do not fall behind.
• Teachers
can share lessons and presentations simply using a file-sharing system or flash
drive. Teachers can share the workload of creating presentations.
Creating Slides in the Power Point Creating
Any know how with computer
can easily develop presentation in power point. It is not a difficult task. The
following steps are suggested to develop a presentation.
Step 1: Launch the PowerPoint Program
Step 2: Choose a Design
Step 3: Create Title Page
Step 4: Add More Slides
Step 5: Add charts, pictures, graphs, etc.
Step 6: Add Transitions
Step 7: Changing the Order
Step 8: Play the Presentation
of creating Slides in Presentation Softwares
Slide Presentation Softwares
such as the Open Office Impress and the PowerPoint; has become an ingrained part of many
instructional settings, particularly in large classes and in courses more geared
toward information exchange than skill development. PowerPoint and the Impress
can be highly effective tools to aid learning, but if not used carefully, may
instead disengage students and actually hinder learning.
Potential benefits of using
Presentation Softwares include:
• Engaging multiple learning styles
• Increasing visual impact
• Improving audience focus
• Providing annotations and highlights
• Analyzing and synthesizing complexities
• Enriching curriculum with inter
• Increasing spontaneity and interactivity
• Increasing wonder
Creating Animation in a Power Point
An Animation is the ability to move objects
in a slide without your direct intervention during a presentation. Animation
can be useful in making a presentation more dynamic, and help to emphasize
points, but too much animation can be distracting. Do not let animation and
sound take the focus away from what you are saying. Following are the steps to
create an animation in the presentation:
Open Power point and create a new presentation. Make a blank slide and set the transition to advance after 1 second. Click Apply to all.
Open Power point and create a new presentation. Make a blank slide and set the transition to advance after 1 second. Click Apply to all.
Draw the first frame of your animation. This one is important - it is the frame that all of the other frames in this scene will be based on. Take your time with it.
Draw the first frame of your animation. This one is important - it is the frame that all of the other frames in this scene will be based on. Take your time with it.
Duplicate the slide, and make a very slight change in this slide for the progress of the animation. If you had a ball falling, make it go down one or two places.
Duplicate the slide, and make a very slight change in this slide for the progress of the animation. If you had a ball falling, make it go down one or two places.
Do not duplicate the new slide and keep going. For things like gravity, make the motion stronger each time, eg: changing it more and more. The most catastrophic thing is to make things go too fast, so don't be afraid to take a lot of slides to do one thing - you can always delete them later.
your presentation constantly; changing anything you think needs to be
changed. Erase unneeded slides and such, add or delete details until your
presentation is perfect
Add in sounds and other details, then make a beginning and ending slide, maybe even an opening sequence.
Add in sounds and other details, then make a beginning and ending slide, maybe even an opening sequence.