The definitions of social studies are as
He has tried to
define the term social studies in two different
ways as follows:
social studies defined as the study of man and his program is interaction with
his social and physical environment in the past, present and emerging
social studies program includes those aspects of human
and social values, conditions and changes believed to be of greatest importance
for the general education of the students”[1976]
· J. F.Forrester:- states,
“The social studies are, as the name suggests, studies
of society and their chief aim is to help people to understand world in
they have to live and how it came to be, so that they may become responsible
citizens. They aim at promoting critical thinking and readiness for social
change, at creating disposition for acting on behalf of general welfare, at an
appreciation of other cultures and the realization of interdependence of man
and man and of nation and nation.”
· M.P.Moffatt:- defined[1950] “The social
studies field is that area which aids youth through sound knowledge,
information and experiences which are essential to the building of basic
values, desirable habits, accepted attitudes and worthwhile skills basic to
effective citizenship”
States, “The term social studies is used to
designate school subjects which deals
with human relationships”
and David.H.Bining[1952] states, “social
studies are adapted from the social
sciences in order to play a part –and a very important one-in achieving the
purpose or subjective or education ….The material of the social studies provide
the basis for making the world of today intelligible to the pupils for training
them in certain skills and habits and for inculcating attitudes and ideals that
will enable boys and girls to take their places as efficient and effective
members of a democratic society”
Chester.W.Harris[1960]defined, “The social studies are those studies that
provide understanding of man’s way of living of the basic needs of man, of the
activities in which he engages to meet his needs and of the institutions he has
Morris.R.Lewenstein[1963]defined, “The social studies
are that part of curriculum of both the elementary and secondary schools which
deals with man’s way of living with his fellow men in the past, the present and
the future. They are the study of human behaviour and human institutions, which aim to help
students understand the culture and society in which they live in its physical
E.B.Wesley and S.P.Wronski[1958]defined, “The term social
studies indicates materials whose content as well as aim are predominantly
social. The social studies are the social sciences simplified for pedagogical
Committee on the social studies of
the National Education Associations[1916]USA defined, “The social studies
are understood to be those whose subject matter relates directly to the
organization and development of human society ,and to man as a member of social
National Council For The social
Studies USA[1992]
“Social studies is the integrated study of the social sciences and
humanities to promote civic competence”