
Tuesday, March 20, 2012



In India, education is a directive fundamental right. The right to education bill of April 1st 2009 also ensures the right to education.
It is framed by constitution of India that entire children up to the age of 14 years have the right to avail education. Govt should take step protect the right to education of citizens. More than that, the education should reach at the most marginalized group of the society or peaoplle of India. Govt is responsible to protect he equality in educational opportunity.
Justice in the field of education in India, according to constitution, implies that every individual must have equal opportunity to upliftment, development and progress through education. No discrimination should be allowed to take place among students belonging to different staters, society, caste, creed and etc.
Education is coming under the concurrent list if the constitution. Central and state govts have almost equal responsibility in education.
The concept of EFA (education For All) is closely related with the constitutional provision of equality, fraternity, liberty and justice. To ensure these provisions, education is a must
The directive principle on education emphasizes on free and compulsory education for all with in the age group of 6 to 14. Article 45 supports this concept.
Article 21 and 25 ensures educational opportunity to all.
Article 21 protects the citizens’ right to education.
Article 350 (4) declares peoples’ right o avail education in mother tongue.
Article 15 protects the right to avail education irrespective of sex. This article envisages women’s right to education.
Article 30 ensures educational right of minorities.
Article 29 ensures individual right to get admission to ay educational institution according to the qualification and abilities.
The programmes like MLM (Minimum Level Learning), DPEP, SSA, RMSA (Rashtriya Madyamic Siksha Abiyan), are some of the steps taken by the governments to ensure the education for all.